Thursday, July 24, 2008

Celtic Design Tattoos By David Schwinler

Celtic design tattoos are growing in popularity enabling tattoo artists and shops to become very proficient at this sort of design. However, most tattoo artists go by a set style of Celtic design tattoos found in flash art. If you're looking to get some sort of obscure Celtic knot style, or you want a specific Celtic tattoo be sure to talk to your artist before you have the tattoo inked. Often he or she will be able to draw up the tattoo that you desire from your own source material.

The Celtic culture consists of several different types of symbols. One of the most popular and most important is the Celtic knot, a design that is made of interwoven lines and spectacular designs representing specific stories of Celtic Culture. Some of the early tattoos seen on the Celts and the Picts came from the Celtic knots and bands that can be found on different artwork and tapestries from the Middle Ages.

Another common Celtic design that would work for a tattoo is the Celtic cross. Shaped like a lowercase "t" that has a circle around the arms. The Celtic cross predates the start of Christianity in the United Kingdom; however it was eventually co-opted by the Christians who used the Celtic cross to symbolize Christ.

Although Celtic design tattoos are popular, there are an endless amount of designs to choose from for your tattoo. Those of you who are looking to get Celtic design tattoos just remember there is absolutely no shortage of ideas.

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